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[FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: zo 05 mei 2013, 22:10
door FMK
Major facts
Area: ~200000 km²
Population: Unknown, but more than 20 mln.
Government: Federal Parliamentary constitutional republic
-President: Aleksej Beloyarskij
-Prime minister: Jan Jørgensen
Capital: Fijdinsk (pop. 4.376.000 inhabitants, Oct. 2011)
Official languages: English (both countries), Russian (national in Republic of Fijdia), Danish (national in Republic of Egenland), several other co-official languages in some counties and districts.
Demonym: Fijdian
Currency: 1 rubel [RUF]= 100 monet=€0.1173; €1=8.5 RUF
GDP/capita: 27 539 USD
HDI(Human Development Index)=~0.850
Administrative divisions: 2 republics: (Republic of Fijdia (5 subjects), Republic of Egenland(~40 communes))
Offical religion: None
National day: 5 may
Telephone code: +2872
Country code: FRF and FF
Driving on the: Right
Spoiler: weergeven
Short overview

The country located on the continent Carmentera and borders two countries on the east: the Kingdom of Mosae and the Kingdom of Sazzere, and one country on the west: Iwtopaidanië. The State itself is divided in 2 countries: the Republic of Egenland (South-East part) which was colonized by vikings in the middle age, and the Republic of Fijdia (the rest of the island), which was colonized by Russians in the XVI century. This makes it a multinational nation. The climate is moderate. The relief changes from planes on the south to the mid-high (1000-1500) mountain range on the north. Forests and lakes are common mostly in Republic of Fijdia, while the Republic of Egenland is mostly agricultural.

Links for quick access to information
Spoiler: weergeven
Cyrillic-Latin alphabet transcription
Ruote numbering
Number plates
Telephone numbers
Ministries and state services

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: zo 05 mei 2013, 22:33
door TzM23
Seems intresting! I like the idea of a federal country. (Made my country one too). You speak Russian? And can you understand Dutch? I wish you lots of success with the country and I am looking forward to the map etc.!

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: zo 05 mei 2013, 22:48
door FMK
Thank you :D Yes I speak Russian and Danish. My Dutch is not so good though, I can't speak it. And I only understand it a bit.

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: zo 05 mei 2013, 22:52
door TzM23
But have you asked Kathetman if he agrees to have sea borders? I think he'll like it but I'm not sure. I like the Russian language, and would like to learn it too!

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: zo 05 mei 2013, 22:55
door FMK
Yep it's actually him who guide me through this community. It's nice, I will also try to learn Dutch while I am here :D

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: zo 05 mei 2013, 23:55
door Faylin
First of all welcome!
I see Fijdia is located north-west of Borealia, that's also near Niónia, my country. I hope that our countries didn't have too much conflicts in the past, but we definitely will see this in the future. For now: keep going!

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: ma 06 mei 2013, 09:08
door SjorsB
Welcome to the Atlantis forums, your start looks very good! I'm curious about what the map will look like.

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: ma 06 mei 2013, 15:13
door Koen
Welcome in Atlantis! I hope you will enjoy creating this country.

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: ma 06 mei 2013, 16:10
door FMK
Thank you all! I am working on the map right now

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: ma 06 mei 2013, 18:03
door TBR
Welcome to Atlantis :D
I wish you good luck with the development of your country and with your map ;)

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: vr 14 jun 2013, 20:22
door FMK
*Updated and added some information in the first post*

Cyrillic-Latin alphabet transcription

Geplaatst: vr 14 jun 2013, 22:23
door FMK
Cyrillic-Latin transcription                                                                     
 Letter (uppercase/lowercase)  Sound  Transcription 
 Аа  [ɑ]  a 
 Бб  (b)  b 
 Вв  [v]  v 
 Гг  [g]  g 
 Дд  [d]  d 
 Ее  [e], [je]  je, ye, e 
 Ёё  [ø], [jo]  jo, yo 
 Жж  [ʒ]  zh 
 Зз  [z]  z 
 Ии  [ɪ]  i 
 Йй  [j]  j 
 Кк  [k]  k 
 Лл  [l]  l 
 Мм  [m]  m 
 Нн  [n]  n 
 Оо  [o]  o 
 Пп  [p]  p 
 Рр  [r]  r 
 Сс    s 
 Тт  [t]  t 
 Уу    u 
 Фф  [f]  f 
 Хх  [x]  h 
 Цц  [ts]  ts, c 
 Чч  [ʧ]  ch 
 Шш  [ʃ]  sh 
 Щщ  [ɕ]  sch(NL:sj
 Ъъ  none(hard sign)  sometimes signed as ' 
 Ыы  [ɨ]  y 
 Ьь  none(soft sign)  sometimes signed as ' 
 Ээ  [æ]  e 
 Юю  [ju]  ju, yu 
 Яя  [ja]  ja, ya 

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: vr 14 jun 2013, 22:27
door TzM23
Looks nice! But at B you have used parenthesis instead of brackets.

Does the Danisch and/or Russian used in Fijdia difer from the ones used in Denmark and/or Russia?

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: vr 14 jun 2013, 22:37
door FMK
I used parenthesis in b-letter because system recognizes [] as "bold text"-code. These languages (Danish, Russian and the others) are very similar to the ones used in those countries. However there are some words and grammatical rules which these languages have been borrowed from each other.


Geplaatst: di 09 jul 2013, 23:19
door FMK
The current motorway signage was invaded in 2004. It is simular to the systems which exist in the countries like Germany, the Netherlands and other, with some elements from another sign systems.
Click for full view
Spoiler: weergeven
An example of sign setup for a motorway interchange:

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: di 09 jul 2013, 23:22
door Kathor
Holy cow! That's awesome!

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: di 09 jul 2013, 23:41
door TzM23
Bloody decent work!

Is it all Transport or are the digits Vejtavleskrift?

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: di 09 jul 2013, 23:47
door FMK
Thanks! All text is in Transport, only Danish placenames uses æøå-letters from Vejtavleskrift. Russian placename signs on motorways and main highways are always in latin due to the fact that not all people can read cyrillic.

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: wo 10 jul 2013, 00:16
door MandelSoft
I actually like the number from Vejtafletskrift a little more. Especially the 2, 6 and 9 look way better in that font!

Overall, it looks quite nice :d

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: wo 10 jul 2013, 10:02
door SjorsB
Woww! :o I really like it, my compliments for this great work!

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: wo 10 jul 2013, 13:47
door Faylin
The signage looks very nice! Could you explain more about the way numbering system? I guess F-ways are motorways and P-ways are provincial ways?

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: wo 10 jul 2013, 14:56
door Lars
Wow, that looks fantastic!

Good job :d

Btw, wich font do you use for the Cyrillic letters on the Exit (съезд) sign?

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: wo 10 jul 2013, 14:59
door TzM23
I guess MAC C Swiss or Arial.

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: wo 10 jul 2013, 15:14
door FMK
Thank you! Yes this is Arial Narrow. I will make an update about route numbering soon ;)

Re: [FRF] Federative Republic of Fijdia

Geplaatst: wo 10 jul 2013, 17:14
door Matt
It looks very good indeed! The only remark I have is the distance of 1000m between the 1000m and the 500m sign. That doesn't seem to have the right measurements. Other than that I don't have any remarks on your signage.